Why Use Video At Your Event

People hire photographers for weddings and corporate events. They might hire a DJ or work with a sound equipment rental company, but why should your event utilize video?

Megahertz Rentals in San Francisco is glad you asked. We’re the Bay Area’s top choice for video equipment rentals and video productions, and we see the value of video every single day. Find out why you should use video at your corporate event, family reunion, wedding, or any other special moment, and contact us for a free quote on your next party!

It captures the moment in a way pictures cannot.

When everyone was dancing to “Shout!” at your wedding, a single snapshot might encapsulate that second in time. What it won’t show is your favorite uncles singing at the top of their lungs, your partner starting (attempting?) to breakdance, the music in the background, and the overall feel of the moment.

Video shows all of these things, and it makes it easier to relive those precious memories again and again. We often watch the same videos over and over — the same can rarely be said for a photograph.

It’s easy to share.

Upload a video to your Google Drive or to a YouTube channel and boom — you have a link that’s super easy to share with others. You can revisit the video with ease, as long as you’re on your phone or computer, and others can look back at the incredible times they’ve shared with you in a highly accessible way.

Photos alone, on the other hand, require a bit more work. To access pictures from our favorite days, we have to scroll through someone’s social media account or dig out old albums. Oftentimes, it’s just enough work where we skip the process altogether. Videos are easy to find and easy to watch, and that accessibility is absolutely worth it.

It can send a message.

This benefit regards corporate events and companies as a whole. Videos aren’t simply a good thing to utilize for your business, they’re a must.

To start, when you work with video equipment rental companies for corporate events, you’ll be able to capture the feel of your company’s culture. This is highly beneficial for hiring purposes, because interested candidates will get an idea of what working at your company is like. If your business doesn’t appeal to talented applicants, they’re not going to apply or accept, and it will absolutely be a loss. Using video is a great way to attract the best and brightest to investigate into your company.

Secondly, videos can boost your online presence. You can upload videos to your website to increase organic traffic and momentum, as well as share videos across YouTube and other social media platforms. This helps spread the word about your business, and can be vital in generating more leads and conversions.

It’s more fun!

A well-shot and well-edited video is fun and engaging to watch. Videos as a whole are more emotive — we’re more likely to cry watching a movie than we are looking at a photograph. For example, a photo of your daughter and her partner exchanging their vows might not bring tears to your eyes, but a video of that exact moment takes you right back there.

Videos are more fun to watch and engage with, mostly because they capture time in such a unique way. Whether you’re watching and reminiscing on your own time, or are sharing in the memories with family and friends, there’s no doubt that videos are something that everyone can enjoy.

Read More : How to Host the Perfect Corporate Event

It’s becoming more and more popular.

We’re not saying you have to jump on any bandwagons, but it is true that more people are hiring videographers for their event than in the past. This isn’t solely because it’s the “thing to do,” but because people are enjoying videos more than photos as a way to capture an event.

Our video equipment rental company is pretty sure that if you try working with a videographer once or rent out equipment, you won’t go back to hiring photographers alone. There will always be power in pictures, and even as video rental folks, we hope there’s always a place for photography. However, we recognize the incredible nature of video storytelling, and think everyone is starting to see this perk as well.

At Megahertz Rentals in San Francisco, we specialize in AV rentals, and can hook up your next event with projectors, light systems, sound equipment, video equipment rentals, and so much more. Need help with running everything? We’ve got you covered! Know what you’re doing and just need the equipment? We’re happy to work something out! Either way, you can count on Megahertz Rentals for stress-free event planning AV services, from setup to take-down and everything in between. Get in touch with our team for a free estimate for your next event, we look forward to hearing from you!