Tips for Your Next Event Presentation
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A very common experience for many business folks is conducting a presentation. Whether it was in a classroom for a college class or in a conference room for your boss’ boss, the experience of standing in front of a bunch of people and talking while referencing points on a screen is a similarly intense experience for all. This is especially the case if you are presenting at a corporate event. Generally, you have a pretty big audience in a big space, maybe people are shuffling in and out in the back, some folks are paying attention while some aren’t, and you are just reading your slides off; all of which culminates in a stressful experience for the presenter.

But what if your presenting experience didn’t have to be so stress-inducing? There aren’t too many steps between a good event presentation and a great event presentation, so from Megahertz Productions and Entertainment, we wanted to provide a couple tips and tricks that can propel your presentation to that “great” level. Whether its preparation, content, or the right kind of equipment, Megahertz wants to help you be fully ready for your next presentation, and prepare you to absolutely kill it. Keep reading below for some tips on perfecting your next corporate event presentation.

Tips for Your Next Corporate Event Presentation

Any presentation involves three important things: the audience, the content/methods, and you. Both a great presentation and presenter will keep those three things in mind when creating or planning a presentation, so check out these tips and see what factor you can improve on for your next corporate event presentation.

Tip # 1: Know Your Audience

Whatever you are presenting on, in whatever space you are presenting in, consider your audience. A presentation to a group of your friendly coworkers is going to look very different to a presentation in front of your company’s board of directors. An audience that you know well, or made up of coworkers in similar positions as you will appreciate jokes and humor, especially friendly ones about well-known coworkers. An audience of rich and powerful people might not appreciate jokes as much as they appreciate a concise presentation of your content that doesn’t stretch too long. It might be difficult to accurately assess your audience and their predilections, but any consideration of your audience should allow you to avoid any embarrassing decisions that make your event presentation fall flat.  

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Tip # 2: Use Your Equipment Effectively

You might have a great presentation idea and a captive audience, but if you don’t use the equipment and methods potentially at your disposal, it might not matter how great your content is. A great event presentation uses visual aids that help supplement the things you are saying, like PowerPoint slides and even videos. A tripod screen and a projector can be great visual tools that provide a platform to show engaging and appealing content. Combine those with an effective sound system that will project either your voice or your message to everyone in the room, and you will have an attentive audience, engaged and aware of the content you are presenting. Luckily for folks in San Francisco and the surrounding areas, Megahertz Productions and Entertainment has a fantastic selection of presentation equipment, sound systems and speakers, and more, all at affordable rates.

Tip # 3: Utilize Relevant Content

Like the previous tip mentioned, a variety in forms of relevant content presented will always improve your presentation for both you and the audience. No matter how interesting your content is, or how interested your audience is, 15 minutes of straight talking will simply make attentiveness difficult for both you and your audience. Relevant videos give you the break you might need to gather your notes and your thoughts and allows your audience to refocus on your presentation as a whole. Photos or infographics that you reference in your discussion are great because they provide supplemental information that will convey your point more effectively to more people, and also may get back the attention of folks who might have stopped paying attention. Combining a few different forms of content will give your audience numerous ways to engage with your presentation and will improve your presentation overall.

Tip # 4: Read The Room

This tip is a somewhat difficult one to master because it requires the allusive skill of both reading and understanding social cues, all while maintaining your professionalism as you present. However, a presenter who can adapt to changing crowd vibes and a distracted audience will always have more success than ones who can’t. If you are looking over your audience as you present (which you should be), you will see some folks looking at their phones or not paying attention. This will always happen, so it should never worry you too much. But if more than half of your audience is like this, consider moving on to a video in your presentation or grabbing someone out of the audience to ask a question; whatever you think might throw in some excitement and lift people’s heads up.

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Tip # 5: Practice, Practice, Practice

In the end, none of these tips will do you any good if you don’t practice your presentation and fully understand your content. Most of us tend to prepare our presentation with notes and cards, and then when it comes to the presentation itself, we are robots who read our prepared lines, scroll through our slides, and wait for questions at the end. The more prepared and knowledgeable you are about the content you are presenting, the more natural you will be as a presenter. This means you will be more prepared for unexpected events, more confident in answering questions, and give a better presentation in the end.

Tip # 6: Engage with Your Audience

Engagement is a key factor in delivering a memorable presentation. You can engage with your audience by asking questions, encouraging participation, or incorporating interactive elements into your presentation. Using tools like live polls or Q&A sessions can make your presentation more interactive and foster a deeper connection with your audience.

Tip # 7: Keep it Concise and Focused

When crafting your presentation, aim to keep your content concise and focused. It’s easy to get lost in the details, but try to stick to the main points that will resonate with your audience. Prioritize clarity and precision, and ensure each slide or talking point adds value to your overall message. Remember, less is often more when it comes to maintaining audience attention.

Tip # 8: Use Storytelling Techniques

Incorporating storytelling techniques can significantly enhance your presentation. Stories are a powerful way to capture attention and make your message more relatable and memorable. Use real-life examples, case studies, or anecdotes to illustrate your points and engage your audience on an emotional level. This approach can help in making complex information more digestible and meaningful.

Tip # 9: Pay Attention to Body Language

Your body language plays a crucial role in how your presentation is perceived. Stand confidently, make eye contact, and use hand gestures to emphasize key points. Avoid crossing your arms or appearing closed off, as this can create a barrier between you and your audience. Open and positive body language can convey confidence and help you connect with your audience more effectively.

Tip # 10: Manage Your Time Wisely

Time management is essential to ensure that your presentation flows smoothly and finishes on time. Practice your timing beforehand to avoid rushing through slides or exceeding your allotted time. Using a timer or setting specific checkpoints throughout your presentation can help you stay on track. Remember, ending on time demonstrates respect for your audience’s schedule.

Tip # 11: Handle Q&A with Confidence

Q&A sessions are an excellent opportunity to address any lingering questions and demonstrate your expertise. Prepare for potential questions in advance and practice responding concisely and confidently. If you encounter a question you don’t know the answer to, it’s okay to acknowledge it and offer to follow up later. Handling Q&A effectively can leave a lasting positive impression on your audience.

Tip # 12: Gather Feedback

After your presentation, seek feedback from trusted colleagues or audience members. Constructive feedback can provide valuable insights into what worked well and what areas might need improvement. Use this feedback to refine your skills and enhance future presentations. Embracing a mindset of continuous improvement will help you become a more effective and confident presenter over time.

Corporate Events with Megahertz

At Megahertz Productions and Entertainment, we are dedicated to providing the essential equipment you need for a corporate event or presentation, or party. Our selection of audio rentals, video rentals, and staging and lighting rentals are expansive and of the highest quality, ready to make your next event in San Francisco and the surrounding areas perfect. Give us a call today.