9 Ways You Can Benefit From Audio Equipment Rentals

Whatever type of event you’re planning, whether it’s a wedding, a company party, or a conference, there’s no doubt that you want everything little detail to be perfect. When planning a large event, there are dozens of things that need to come together to make perfection possible — the venue, the guest list, invitations, food, decor, the sound system, etc.

Companies or individuals may hire an event planner to manage these things, but when it comes to certain elements, audio/visual equipment, for example, a professional technician can provide a level of service that is invaluable.

Video and sound equipment are two essential components of any event, and it takes a certain level of experience and knowledge in order to be able to set up and use the equipment effectively. It’s not only knowing which type of equipment will work best for your event’s needs, but also where the equipment should be set up, knowing how to use it properly, knowing how to troubleshoot problems if something isn’t working, and more.

If you’re planning a large event, here are the biggest advantages of using audio equipment rentals.


Imagine having to purchase all of the equipment you need for this single event. A few quality speakers alone could run you thousands of dollars. If you need DJ equipment, mixers, microphones, all of the cords and various other accessories, you will undoubtedly spend a significant amount of money. And when you only have this type of event maybe once a year, is this really the best use of your resources? By investing in audio equipment rentals, you’ll get just what you need to make your event look and sound its best.


Unless you already know a lot about audio/visual equipment, you will need to spend some time researching what you need to get for your event. When you have what you need, you still need to spend time setting it all up and testing it before the event begins. With professional audio/visual rentals, you can simply provide the company with some information about your event and venue and they will take care of the rest. This frees up a significant amount of time that can be used for various other tasks. When you’re planning an important event, any small convenience will go a long way in reducing stress.

Well-Maintained Equipment

If you hire a reputable sound equipment rental company, you’ll have the peace of mind knowing that the equipment you get has received all necessary maintenance. The equipment that a rental company owns is how they make money, so it is in their best interest to ensure that the equipment is in line with the manufacturer’s guidelines. When the equipment has been cared for properly, there is less risk of equipment failure during your event.

Better Equipment

If you’re considering purchasing equipment for your event, but are working within a budget, you will most likely get equipment that works fine, but produces audio/visual qualities that are subpar. With sound and audio equipment rentals, you can get state-of-the-art technology for fractions of what the purchase price would be. And when you need this event to go flawlessly, you want to have the best equipment available. Working with AV technology professionals, you can get insight into which brands are the best, and you’ll have an opportunity to ask questions, making it easier when/if you do decide to make a purchase.

Read More : The Ultimate Checklist for AV Equipment Rental in San Francisco

Expert Setup

The process of setting up audio/visual equipment is an art. When setting up audio equipment, the quality of sound can be affected by how large the space is, the materials of the walls, the direction the speakers are facing, and more. When setting up visual equipment, quality can be affected by the projector, the surface the image is being projected onto, the lighting of the space, and more. With all of these factors combined, it can be incredibly difficult to produce high-quality sound and visuals. Trying to do this on your own can be incredibly time-consuming and risky.

Knowledgeable Technicians

As we stated above, setting up audio/visual equipment involves various factors that will affect the overall quality, and even success, of the event. When hiring a sound equipment rental company, you’ll want to make sure they have proven experience and knowledge when it comes to the equipment itself and how to set it up properly. What type of equipment is needed for your event, how much, the placement, sound levels, etc. will depend on the specifics of the venue, if it’s inside or outside, how tall the ceilings are, and more. A knowledgeable technician will take all of these factors into consideration and will create a strategy based on your needs and those of the venue/event.

Customer Support

A successful event oftentimes depends on details that could be overlooked. When should the audio equipment rentals be dropped off at the venue? How much time will installers need to hook everything up? If guests start arriving before technicians have completed the installation process, it will appear as if something wasn’t managed properly. What if the equipment isn’t working during the event? With an exceptional support team who can communicate efficiently and provide reliable service from start to finish, you will have less to worry about and there will be fewer issues overall.

A Better Event

Part of what makes an event a success is whether or not the technology is working efficiently and smoothly. This includes everyone being able to clearly see and hear everything that is going on, videos play without any delay, microphones work right away, speakers don’t give off any feedback, and more. When these types of issues occur during your event, it negatively reflects the people or company who put the event together. To ensure that your event’s audio/visual equipment will work and function as they should, sound equipment rentals from a reputable company is a must.

Work With Megahertz Audio Visual productions & Rental

Whether you’re planning a small outdoor wedding or an event with hundreds of guests held at an indoor stadium, the technicians at Megahertz will provide a level of service and support that goes above and beyond. From start to finish, we can assure you that we will provide personalized service. We offer the best in video and sound equipment rentals, including cameras, projectors, screens, speakers, mixers, microphones, lighting, and so much more. We understand how important it is for an event’s audio/visual equipment to work flawlessly, and we will be there throughout the process to ensure that happens.

Located in Santa Clara, California, Megahertz Audio Visual productions & Rental provides a variety of equipment rentals throughout the San Jose and San Francisco area. Get in touch with our team today for a consultation.